Our company wholesales different grades of sunflower seeds, caliber 42+.

Sunflower seeds are carefully selected by all parameters of raw materials, such as color, aroma, moisture, oily appearance, etc.

Product laboratory quality control is carried out according to requirements of State Standard 22391 “Sunflower. Technical specifications".

Supplier selection criteria

The quality of supplied raw materials
The strategic importance of the contractor
one-time delivery, long-term relationship
Availability of documents certifying the quality of products.
Order price, which includes the product price and transport costs.
Ability to carry out regular deliveries in the required volume.

Work steps

Supplier evaluation according to all criteria
Approval and preparation of the draft contract with information about delivery conditions and prices.
Contract creation
Formation of an application
Payment of the order
Fulfillment of the contract obligations control.
Incoming control of the delivered products.

Be a Supplier

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